Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money? Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free! Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!) During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS. But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side. ... and I’m here to walk you through this, too. If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you! So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace. **Get Scholarships and Pay For College Without Student Loans** WANT ME TO FIND YOU UP TO $30,000 IN SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES!? --> https://calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community - Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free - https://www.facebook.com/groups/734349047530666 Connect --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace - https://www.instagram.com/moneyandmentalpeace/ Topics included in this podcast: debt free, college scholarships, graduate scholarships, undergraduate scholarships, student jobs, budget tips, financial freedom, save money how, save money tips, saving money tips, scholarships for graduate students, scholarships for undergraduate students, financial peace university, FPU, financial peace by Dave Ramsey, college degrees, budgeting, dual enrollment, dual enroll, college grants, grants for college, pell grant, pell grant amount, pell grant fafsa, STEM scholarships, fafsa application, fafsa application 2024, fafsa deadline, stem meaning, what is post secondary, stem definition, college fund 529, college funding, parent plus loan, federal student loan, private student loan, Ramsey Solutions, every dollar app, EveryDollar app, debt free degree, debt-free degree, net price calculator, myintuition, scholarships for high school seniors, scholarships for high school students, scholarship owl, scholarship for graduate students, scholarship niche, scholarships 360, scholarship sites, scholarships to apply for, fafsa student aid, scholarship types, Dave Ramsey budget, College Board, college counselor, college jobs, scholarship search engines, borrowed future, college bound, student loan crisis, university scholarships, scholarships for university, financial peace university by dave ramsey, budgeting plan

Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
256 - Dual Enrollment 101: Save $7000+ for College! (High School Counselors Tell All)
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Hear a live conversation with local high school advisors, as they teach the difference between dual enrollment, early college or middle colleges, and testing out of classes!
Have more questions for me or want the advisors to come on again? Come post in my FREE Facebook group --> Christian College Girl Community - Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Related Episodes:
148 - How I Earned a Degree for $1200! Colleges Don’t Want You to Know This Best-Kept Secret
172 - 3 Ways to Search and Find the Scholarships Specific To You
Get scholarships and pay for college without student loans!
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, scholarships, college scholarships, scholarships for graduate students, undergraduate, Dave Ramsey, grants, college grants, university, free money, CLEP, DSST

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
255 - LIVE COACHING! I Found Her $23,000 in College Scholarships, Wanna Be Next?
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Hear a live conversation with my client, who I ended up finding 14 scholarships worth potentially $23,000 for college (if she applies for and receives them)! Ever wanna work with me, too?
HEAD TO… calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace and plan a FREE Scholarship Strategy Session so we can find you some bread for school!!!
Related Episodes:
172 - 3 Ways to Search and Find the Scholarships Specific To You
158 - How to Graduate College with $10,000 to SPARE! Learn About FREE COLLEGE Here...
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community - Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace)
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Get scholarships and pay for college without student loans!
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, scholarships, college scholarships, scholarships for graduate students, undergraduate, Dave Ramsey, grants, college grants, university, free money

Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Do you need funds for school, and you see your friends' parents paying for their college education, but that is not your situation? I get you! I was in the same boat, and I STILL graduated from college debt-free with over $10,000 left over in my bank account that I had been saving up but didn't need to use. Scholarships, internships, grants, and other cool hacks paid for it all instead!
Today my bestie Julia and I discuss 5 tips to pay for school, alongside the unique situation of her being a first-generation college student, and all the ups and downs that came with that.
I want you to know IT'S POSSIBLE to avoid student loans and graduate debt-free even if your parents can't help pay.
I can also personally help you!! I can guarantee finding students between $10,000-30,000 in scholarships for college, university, grad school, law school, etc. I cannot guarantee that you will for sure receive the scholarships, as you will need to apply for them yourself, but I can at least provide the opportunities.
Interested? --> calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace
Grab your cold brew and TI-89, because class is now in session!
Related Episodes:
81 - 3 Places to Get CHEAP Textbooks as a College Student on Apple Podcasts
169 - 5 Tips To Save $400 on Coffee in College (Dave Ramsey Approved!!!) on Apple Podcasts
P.S. Join me on...
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community ~ Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Website --> Home (moneyandmentalpeace.com)
Online course The Debt-Free College Blueprint --> debtfreecollegeblueprint.com
** Find God's Path for College and Graduate Loan and Debt-Free **
Do you want guidance on where to go and what to study… wonder if you should change majors? Do you find yourself up late at night searching for scholarships, and ways to pay for college without parental help? Do you wake up worried about everything, and just want to make sure you’re following God’s plan for your life?
In this podcast for Christian college girls, you will learn to find GOD’S path for your college journey, and graduate with no loans or debt!
I get it! It is so tough doing things the world‘s way, when everybody else is doing life without God and in their own strength, making poor choices, and taking out loans. So, if you’re ready to stop dreading making decisions, and find EASY solutions to help you pay for college while following His path for your life, this podcast is for you!
Hey there! I’m Kara Walker, a twenty-something entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, recovering over-achiever, and debt-free college graduate. In college, I too was a stressed college student, looking for money and mental peace. I wondered if there were other ways to pay for college besides loans, and wished for clear direction on how to make college and career decisions! Not only was I worried about drowning in debt, but also afraid I hadn’t heard Jesus correctly. Was I studying the wrong thing? Was I completely off track?
I felt semi-out of control and was spiraling, until I learned how to hear from God and follow His direction. He guided me and gave me the stepping stones to pay for college. Scholarships, grants, testing out of classes, and other weird school hacks got me through debt-free!
And, I’m here to teach you HOW to do this, too.
If you are ready to find answers about your future, have an intimate and fruitful relationship with Jesus, and have enough money to KILL it at college, this pod is for you! So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
** Scholarships, Student Loans, Christian College Girls, Pay for College, Dave Ramsey, College Major, Declare Major, Student Loan Forgiveness, Federal Student Loans **
** Debt-Free College Coach, College Financial Strategist, College Money Mentor, College Budget, Scholarship Coach, Debt-Free Degree **
Money and Mental Peace - Scholarships, Budget Tips, Goals, Jobs for College Students, Time Management
Kara Walker - College Scholarship Strategist, Financial Aid, Money Tips, Dave Ramsey Aficionado
Topics in this ep: my parents won't pay for college, my mom doesn't understand, dirt poor with dreams, full ride scholarships, not like other girls, artist, financial aid, fafsa, college on a budget, dorm life budgeting, saving for college, debt, debt free, financial peace, student aid, succeed in college

Thursday Sep 28, 2023
253 - Job for College Student That Actually PAYS YOU to Apply for Scholarships
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Are you open to applying for scholarships, but don't have any time to find them? What if you could have a job and be PAID while applying for scholarships? I got you boo!!
OR, if you already have a job and want me to find you scholarships...
I can guarantee finding students between $10,000-30,000 in scholarships for college, university, grad school, law school, etc. I charge less than 1% of what I find them, depending on which tier you choose to hire me. I try to find them based on school, major, interests, and other random/general scholarships for which anyone can apply.
I cannot guarantee that you will for sure receive the scholarships, as you will need to apply for them yourself, but I can at least provide the opportunities. (It would pretty much be illegal for me to apply for things in someone else's name:)
Interested? Hmu --> http://calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace
Related Episodes:
149 - Find Your Purpose and Calling in College!
152 - Choosing a Major Within God’s Will in 5 Steps Find Passion, Purpose, and Calling
165 - How to Pay for College Without Taking on ANY Student Debt (Thanks Dave Ramsey!)
P.S. Join me on...
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community ~ Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Some great apologetics books to feel confident and grounded in your faith!
The Case for Christ - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/73186.The_Case_for_Christ
The Case for a Creator - https://www.amazon.com/Case-Creator-Lee-Strobel/dp/0310242096
The Case for Heaven - https://www.zondervan.com/p/the-case-for-heaven/
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
**Get Scholarships and Pay For College Without Student Loans**
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, work life balance, homework, no time, college scholarships, graduate scholarships, undergraduate scholarships, student loans, student housing, student jobs, affordable housing, Dave Ramsey, budget tips, student, find scholarships, debt freedom relief, debt freedom, financial freedom, save money how, save money challenge, save money tips, money saving expert, scholarships for graduate students, scholarships for undergraduate students, graduate, choose a major, declare a major, financial aid, financial peace, financial peace university, FPU, save money on groceries, money management tips, college student credit cards, college student loans, college student health insurance, financial peace by Dave Ramsey, college majors, college degrees, bachelor degree jobs, college degree online, grants, money management

Monday Sep 25, 2023
252 - 4 Steps to Getting a Full-Ride Scholarship or Let Me Do It For You!!!!
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Are you open to applying for scholarships, but don't have any time to find them? I got you boo! Today, I describe 4 steps to getting a full-ride scholarship, or...
I can guarantee finding students between $10,000-30,000 in scholarships for college, university, grad school, law school, etc. I charge less than 1% of what I find them, depending on which tier you choose to hire me. I try to find them based on school, major, interests, and other random/general scholarships for which anyone can apply.
I cannot guarantee that you will for sure receive the scholarships, as you will need to apply for them yourself, but I can at least provide the opportunities. (It would pretty much be illegal for me to apply for things in someone else's name:)
Interested? Hmu --> http://calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace
Related Episodes:
149 - Find Your Purpose and Calling in College!
152 - Choosing a Major Within God’s Will in 5 Steps Find Passion, Purpose, and Calling
165 - How to Pay for College Without Taking on ANY Student Debt (Thanks Dave Ramsey!)
P.S. Join me on...
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community ~ Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Some great apologetics books to feel confident and grounded in your faith!
The Case for Christ - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/73186.The_Case_for_Christ
The Case for a Creator - https://www.amazon.com/Case-Creator-Lee-Strobel/dp/0310242096
The Case for Heaven - https://www.zondervan.com/p/the-case-for-heaven/
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
**Get Scholarships and Pay For College Without Student Loans**
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, work life balance, homework, no time, college scholarships, graduate scholarships, undergraduate scholarships, student loans, student housing, student jobs, affordable housing, Dave Ramsey, budget tips, student, find scholarships, debt freedom relief, debt freedom, financial freedom, save money how, save money challenge, save money tips, money saving expert, scholarships for graduate students, scholarships for undergraduate students, graduate, choose a major, declare a major, financial aid, financial peace, financial peace university, FPU, save money on groceries, money management tips, college student credit cards, college student loans, college student health insurance, financial peace by Dave Ramsey, college majors, college degrees, bachelor degree jobs, college degree online, grants, money management

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Are you open to applying for scholarships, but don't have any time to find them? I got you boo!
I can guarantee finding students between $10,000-30,000 in scholarships for college, university, grad school, law school, etc. I charge less than 1% of what I find them, depending on which tier you choose to hire me. I try to find them based on school, major, interests, and other random/general scholarships for which anyone can apply.
I cannot guarantee that you will for sure receive the scholarships, as you will need to apply for them yourself, but I can at least provide the opportunities. (It would pretty much be illegal for me to apply for things in someone else's name:)
Interested? Hmu --> http://calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace
Related Episodes:
149 - Find Your Purpose and Calling in College!
152 - Choosing a Major Within God’s Will in 5 Steps Find Passion, Purpose, and Calling
165 - How to Pay for College Without Taking on ANY Student Debt (Thanks Dave Ramsey!)
P.S. Join me on...
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community ~ Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Some great apologetics books to feel confident and grounded in your faith!
The Case for Christ - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/73186.The_Case_for_Christ
The Case for a Creator - https://www.amazon.com/Case-Creator-Lee-Strobel/dp/0310242096
The Case for Heaven - https://www.zondervan.com/p/the-case-for-heaven/
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
**Get Scholarships and Pay For College Without Student Loans**
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, work life balance, homework, no time, college scholarships, graduate scholarships, undergraduate scholarships, student loans, student housing, student jobs, affordable housing, Dave Ramsey, budget tips, student, find scholarships, debt freedom relief, debt freedom, financial freedom, save money how, save money challenge, save money tips, money saving expert, scholarships for graduate students, scholarships for undergraduate students, graduate, choose a major, declare a major, financial aid, financial peace, financial peace university, FPU, save money on groceries, money management tips, college student credit cards, college student loans, college student health insurance, financial peace by Dave Ramsey, college majors, college degrees, bachelor degree jobs, college degree online, grants, money management

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Do you think it's impossible? You've probably heard that, or that it's just easier with loans. But then you hear horror stories of people trying to pay back loans! I want you to be able to KNOW it's possible to graduate debt-free!
Dr. Candice Johnson, my guest today, did so without student loans whatsoever! Sometimes the ability to do something starts with seeing that someone else did it. Come, listen, and be inspired!
I know you might feel overwhelmed with all of life and paying for college is just another thing to do, but you're concerned about the future. Listen in to be encouraged.
Come join our FREE Facebook group to meet others on the same college journey as you, and post questions!
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community - Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Dr. Candice's podcast = HERE
Related Episodes:
172 - 3 Ways to Search and Find the Scholarships Specific To You
158 - How to Graduate College with $10,000 to SPARE! Learn About FREE COLLEGE Here...
Also find me at...
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace)
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Get scholarships and pay for college without student loans!
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
About Dr. Candice:
Meet Dr. Candice – a beacon of encouragement and inspiration in our world. Her passion for lifting others up and helping them unlock their full potential is truly infectious. If you ever find yourself needing a boost of motivation, just look to her, and you'll witness a cheerleader extraordinaire, always standing on the sidelines, rooting for you to succeed.
Born and raised in the vibrant city of Louisville, KY, Dr. Candice comes from a family of educators, instilling in her a deep love for knowledge and a heart for teaching. She honed her skills at Western Kentucky University and the University of Louisville, earning her degrees in Public Relations and Communication, respectively. Her thirst for learning and leading others to greatness led her to pursue a Doctor of Education in Leadership from Spalding University.
Dr. Candice is the Founder and Chief Encouragement Officer of visionSPEAK Consulting, author of Queen, Arise, and the podcast host of visionSPEAK Live!
Connect with Dr. Candice at visionspeakconsulting.com
To listen to the podcast HERE
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, scholarships, college scholarships, scholarships for graduate students, undergraduate, Dave Ramsey, grants, college grants, university, free money, financial expert, two financial experts, financial guru, dave ramsey, college finance, financial advise, find scholarships, debt free, college student, student finances, financial aid, full ride scholarship, debtless, bussin, GenZ is smarter than Millennials

Saturday Sep 16, 2023
249 - Last Day to Win FREE COACHING = $10,000 in Scholarship Opportunities!
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Ever wanna work with me? For this week only, I'm taking 3 clients to coach and find $10,000 in scholarship opportunities FOR FREE, if I can record and air it on the podcast!
I want others to hear how we can work together. I'm gonna find you the most scholarships possible for you to apply for and hopefully fund your college dream!!
Imagine walking away with $10,000 worth of scholarship opportunities that are PERSONALLY chosen for you. BUT THIS IS A LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH ONLY 3 SPOTS, SO GET IN ASAP!
SO HEAD TO… calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace and plan a time for us to talk using the coupon code FREECOACHING when answering the questions.
Related Episodes:
172 - 3 Ways to Search and Find the Scholarships Specific To You
158 - How to Graduate College with $10,000 to SPARE! Learn About FREE COLLEGE Here...
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community - Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace)
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Get scholarships and pay for college without student loans!
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, scholarships, college scholarships, scholarships for graduate students, undergraduate, Dave Ramsey, grants, college grants, university, free money

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Hear a live conversation with my client, who I ended up finding 16 scholarships worth potentially $18,000 for college! Ever wanna work with me, too?
For this week only, I'm taking 3 clients to coach and find $10,000 in scholarship opportunities FOR FREE, if I can record and air it on the podcast! I want others to hear how we can work together. I'm gonna find you the most scholarships possible for you to apply for and hopefully fund your college dream!!
Imagine walking away with $10,000 worth of scholarship opportunities that are PERSONALLY chosen for you. BUT THIS IS A LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH ONLY 3 SPOTS, SO GET IN ASAP!
SO HEAD TO… calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace and plan a time for us to talk using the coupon code FREECOACHING when answering the questions.
Related Episodes:
172 - 3 Ways to Search and Find the Scholarships Specific To You
158 - How to Graduate College with $10,000 to SPARE! Learn About FREE COLLEGE Here...
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community - Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace)
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Get scholarships and pay for college without student loans!
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, scholarships, college scholarships, scholarships for graduate students, undergraduate, Dave Ramsey, grants, college grants, university, free money

Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Ever wanna work with me? For this week only, I'm taking 3 clients to coach and find $10,000 in scholarship opportunities FOR FREE, if I can record and air it on the podcast! I want others to hear how we can work together. I'm gonna find you the most scholarships possible for you to apply for and hopefully fund your college dream!!
Imagine walking away with $10,000 worth of scholarship opportunities that are PERSONALLY chosen for you. BUT THIS IS A LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH ONLY 3 SPOTS, SO GET IN ASAP!
SO HEAD TO… calendly.com/moneyandmentalpeace and plan a time for us to talk using the coupon code FREECOACHING when answering the questions.
Related Episodes:
172 - 3 Ways to Search and Find the Scholarships Specific To You
158 - How to Graduate College with $10,000 to SPARE! Learn About FREE COLLEGE Here...
Facebook --> Christian College Girl Community - Scholarships & Graduate Debt-Free | Facebook
Instagram --> @moneyandmentalpeace)
Email --> info@moneyandmentalpeace.com
Get scholarships and pay for college without student loans!
Are you worried about how to pay for college? Stressed because it’s so expensive? Are you having trouble finding scholarships, or all you find don’t apply to you? Overwhelmed with all things school and money?
Welcome fam! This podcast will help you find and get scholarships, avoid student loans and maybe even graduate college debt-free!
Hey! I’m Kara, a Christian entrepreneur, amateur snowboarder, and scholarship BEAST! I figured out how to not only finish college debt-free, but I even had $10k left over in the bank after graduation. (& btw, my parents weren’t able to help me financially either!)
During school, I was worried about paying for next semester. I couldn’t find scholarships that worked specifically for me, and didn’t know how to get started while juggling homework and keeping up with ALL.THE.THINGS.
But dude, I learned there was a better way! With God’s direction, I tested out of classes, and found the perfect scholarships, grants, internships, and weird budget hacks that helped me go from overwhelmed to debt-free with $10k in the bank–all with God on my side.
... and I’m here to walk you through this, too.
If you are ready to find scholarships specific to you, learn to manage your money well, and have enough money to kill it at college, this pod is for you!
So grab your cold brew and TI-89, and listen in on the most stress-free and debt-free class you’ve ever attended: this is Money and Mental Peace.
Topics included in this podcast: money management, manage money, money, broke, waste of money, college, debt-free, overwhelmed, scholarships, college scholarships, scholarships for graduate students, undergraduate, Dave Ramsey, grants, college grants, university, free money